Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our Life

Well I did it.  I finally started a blog.  It's to document our life as a family and have some fun along the way.  We are the Call family.  Michael is Dad (32), Carolyn is Mom (27), Tina is Big sister (3) and Ella is baby (7 months).  We are crazy, loud, fun, loving, and full of surprises. 

Today is a normal day in the house Mike is working, Tina is playing with baby all gone and Ella is napping. Its amazing to see how our girls are growing up they are so strong and beautiful and smart.  We are truly blessed. 

We are going to have many sections on this blog, first being Our life, second being our husband/male and wife/female perspective on ANY questions/thoughts/current events, ANYTHING worth talking about. Lastly my adventures in my new hobby couponing. So come and enjoy our lives and enjoy yours!